It’s been 2.5 years since I took my first steps on the Camino de Santiago. I was inspired, crushed and inspired again during my six plus weeks walking across northern Spain. 10 of the 80 men I invited came to walk with me for a season…from a couple days to a week. And even though my feet blew up at 250 miles in, it was all worth it. I learned and experienced more than I ever imagined.
And I’m going to do it again. Same trail at the same time for the same reason…to create a life changing experience that deepens my understanding of myself and the world I live in.
Below, you will find my dates of departure and the correlating cities, along with the kilometers to be walked that week. You are invited to come along, either online or in person. My friend, Jaime, has agreed to be my Camino Coordinator again for this trip. If you would like join me for a life changing walk, you can contact her at


April 1        Leave St. Jean Pied De Port            66 km
April 6        Leave Pamploma                             95 km
April 12      Leave Logrono                                 123 km
April 19      Leave Burgos                                   123 km
April 25      Leave Sahguin                                  104 km
May 2         Leave Astorga                                  125 km
May 9         Leave Triacastela                             141 km
May 18       Leave Santiago                                 115.5 km
For perspectives sake, a 100 km is about 62 miles. I expect to walk over 600 miles this trip, with side wanderings and all.