My favorite word in the world is actually two words. Anam Cara means “soul friend”. To me, “Soul Friend”,  speaks of rich, authentic relationships. As I travel and serve, that is what I offer.


2021…Looking back as we’re moving forward!

2021…Looking back as we’re moving forward!

Good day, my friends! And Happy 2022! I hope this finds you in the midst of an amazing life…fully engaging the days you’ve acquired…which seems to be much harder to do than it would appear at first glance. The distractions that lead us away from being fully present...

Kevin Brusett’s Five-Fold Calling

Kevin Brusett’s Five-Fold Calling

KEVIN BRUSETT’S FIVE-FOLD CALLING In the video below Kevin Brusett – Founder of Inner Anvil Ministries – tells us about his Five-Fold Calling – #1 Free Range Pastor #2  Spiritual Cartography #3 Lifescaping #4 Creative Leadership #5 Singer Songwriter   If you...

About Kevin

After decades of connecting with youth, helping them develop their passions and teaching them lessons that produce Godly character, what’s next?

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