Kevin Brusett’s Five-fold Calling

In the video below Kevin Brusett – Founder of Inner Anvil Ministries – tells us about his Five-Fold Calling –

#1 Free Range Pastor

#2 Spiritual Cartography

#3 Lifescaping

#4 Creative Leadership

#5 Singer Songwriter

If you would like to partner with Kevin and support his ministry please use this link here

Partnering With Kevin Brusett – Founder Of Inner Anvil Ministries

Kevin Brusett recently asked God for 20 years of significance. Part of God’s response back to Kevin was to ask him to be vulnerable and invite others to partner with him.

In the video below Kevin does something that is very uncomfortable for him to do – he asks for your help.

Please Prayerfully Consider Kevin’s Request

If Kevin’s generosity, service, or ministry has ever blessed you — please watch this video and prayerfully consider Kevin’s request.

If you would like to partner with Kevin and support his ministry please use this link here

#KevinBrusett   #InnerAnvil