I’m Kevin Brusett, founder of Inner Anvil Ministries

 Over the past 40 years I have been working with young people and their families to help facilitate a deeper spiritual journey and living an intentional life. Recently, I’ve discovered that my students, now friends, are aging and experiencing all that that entails.

For the past two years I have journeyed with several friends who have been battling cancer. I have witnessed the struggle their families go through… emotionally, physically and financially… and I have decided that there should be a place within the construct of Inner Anvil to help alleviate the financial burden.

So Fighter’s Feast has been established. It is under the 501c3 of Inner Anvil Ministries. All funds that are donated will go to help families that are suffering the financial burden of medical care. All donations are tax deductible if the following guidelines are adhered to.

Donation is sent via PayPal or a check to Fighter’s Feast, 3111 SE Concord Rd, Oak Grove, OR 97267.
That there is no donational direction given to the funds that are sent. If I was dying of cancer you can’t send a check with my name in the memo line and get a taxable donation.

Right now we have three families on our donor list. A family can be added by sending me their name and circumstances, which I will take before our serving board. Typically it will take two to four weeks for funds to be dispersed.

Thank you for your time and thoughtfulness. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at gh***************@gm***.com.

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