How To Live In The Miracle…

How To Live In The Miracle…

Last summer, when we started the Music and Mission program, we had 7 musicians and $35,000 committed to the program. This summer, 2024, we had 6 musicians and $5000 on hand. I almost cancelled the program, but it was God’s program from the very beginning and I...
Music and Mission 24…Snapshot

Music and Mission 24…Snapshot

Six high school and college students chose to engage living an intentional life for six to eight weeks. Music was the tool to facilitate that process. Weeks 1-3 Students planned breakfast and lunch, working off of a budget. Students spent time in their spiritual life....
Music and Mission 24…the BIG read.

Music and Mission 24…the BIG read.

How the musicians gathered…    The first year it felt like God’s hand placed the talent into motion. Two students from Upper Columbia Academy, two from Portland Adventist Academy, two from Walla Walla University and one from Redding, CA. This year, most of...

Music and Mission and the Big Idea

If you are reading this, chances are a student involved in Music and Mission is asking for financial support.                                                                                                                           They need your help to raise a...

Spring into Summer…24

  I    am    driven       beyond my        own capacity to        understand the call.        There seems to be no middle ground.     Either you are immersed in the silence of waiting or  you are being flushed    through the fine tuning chasms of faith as if Grace was...