Music and Mission Road Trip

Music and Mission Road Trip

  Music and Mission Road Trip Music and Mission Road Trip is a brand-new Inner Anvil endeavor we are launching the summer of 2023. Watch this video here for more info: . Follow Music and Mission Road Trip You Can Find and Follow Music and Mission Road Trip on on...

The Camino De Santiago- A 50 Day Walk Across Spain

The Camino De Santiago- A 50 Day Walk Across Spain

It's been 2.5 years since I took my first steps on the Camino de Santiago. I was inspired, crushed and inspired again during my six plus weeks walking across northern Spain. 10 of the 80 men I invited came to walk with me for a season...from a couple days to a week....

How To Live In The Miracle…

How To Live In The Miracle…

Last summer, when we started the Music and Mission program, we had 7 musicians and $35,000 committed to the program. This summer, 2024, we had 6 musicians and $5000 on hand. I almost cancelled the program, but it was God's program from the very beginning and I figured...

Music and Mission 24…Snapshot

Music and Mission 24…Snapshot

Six high school and college students chose to engage living an intentional life for six to eight weeks. Music was the tool to facilitate that process. Weeks 1-3 Students planned breakfast and lunch, working off of a budget. Students spent time in their spiritual life....

Music and Mission 24…the BIG read.

Music and Mission 24…the BIG read.

How the musicians gathered...    The first year it felt like God's hand placed the talent into motion. Two students from Upper Columbia Academy, two from Portland Adventist Academy, two from Walla Walla University and one from Redding, CA. This year, most of the...

Music and Mission and the Big Idea

If you are reading this, chances are a student involved in Music and Mission is asking for financial support.                                                                                                                           They need your help to raise a...

Spring into Summer…24

  I    am    driven       beyond my        own capacity to        understand the call.        There seems to be no middle ground.     Either you are immersed in the silence of waiting or  you are being flushed    through the fine tuning chasms of faith as if Grace was...

23, Life and the Why

23, Life and the Why

Hello friends...these images represent the past year of engaging the world for the cause of Christ. Concerts, retreats, a summer music tour for high school and college students, church planting, storage shifting, prepping for the next Camino excursion, wakes,...

Music and Mission Reflections from Samantha and Students

Music and Mission Reflections from Samantha and Students

This past year I felt led to initiate a summer program for young adults that would encompass living an intentional life, enhancing their musical skills and deepening their spiritual journey. The following comments are from my co-staff, Samantha Elie, and several of...

Spring 2023…feeling the rumble.

Good morning friends… I hope this finds you savoring the grace of the day you’ve been given. This Free Range Cage Free life I’ve been given has been the most fun and the most stressful of any adventure I’ve been on. And I am grateful you have chosen to come along....

Words From Kevin’s Heart

Words From Kevin’s Heart

To Watch This Video Simply Hit The Play Button In The Center Of The Image Below   SUPPORT KEVIN VIA INNER ANVIL To donate to Kevin/Inner Anvil please see this link here: Inner Anvil donors receive their tax deduction...

Reflections on 2022

Reflections on 2022

January 2, 2023 Happy New Year! And may you continue to live in the blessings of grace that surround us. I have a friend/ life coach/ advisor who tells me, in a loving way, that I need to get over my ability to over share:-) I so want to sit with you, listen to your...

Spiritual Kegger

Spiritual Kegger

Several years ago, longer than I care to admit, I was asked to invite you to a party. Not just any party, but a kegger of seemingly monumental proportions involving connection, commitment and conviction. However, I just wasn’t that brave …so I put the party on...

2020 Revisited

2020 Revisited

Just a little Inner Anvil update. Thanks for your support and friendship over the years. I am grateful. Attached you’ll find some rough drafts of songs we are working on…enjoy….and keep finding ways to serve….it makes a difference. How do you measure the passage of...

2021…Looking back as we’re moving forward!

2021…Looking back as we’re moving forward!

Good day, my friends! And Happy 2022! I hope this finds you in the midst of an amazing life…fully engaging the days you’ve acquired…which seems to be much harder to do than it would appear at first glance. The distractions that lead us away from being fully present...

Kevin Brusett’s Five-Fold Calling

Kevin Brusett’s Five-Fold Calling

KEVIN BRUSETT’S FIVE-FOLD CALLING In the video below Kevin Brusett – Founder of Inner Anvil Ministries – tells us about his Five-Fold Calling – #1 Free Range Pastor #2  Spiritual Cartography #3 Lifescaping #4 Creative Leadership #5 Singer Songwriter   If you...

Casey and the Big check…

Casey and the Big check…

   I’m sitting before a lifeless fireplace in a lovely summer house in Flagstaff, Arizona. It belongs to my brother and sister in law, Dan and Ricci Wright. They graciously gave the three of us free access in support of Casey’s steps towards freedom. Casey and...

Wings, Wheels and a Wedding…

Wings, Wheels and a Wedding…

Hard to believe she was getting married…to a preacher. You never think the students you work with will age, cause you don’t age, right? And yet, years after leaving the youth group on the west coast, she had found her Prince Charming in the hills of Tennessee and it...

Kevin’s Lift…anonymous stories of those who ride.

Kevin’s Lift…anonymous stories of those who ride.

Jan. 2018   One Year To Go He was waiting and ready to get home…not in an unkind way, just had travelled 6 plus hours and was tired. He brought his small travel case to the trunk and tried to pick it up, but couldn’t muster the leverage. I grabbed it and got it taken...

The Road Is My Middle Name

The Road Is My Middle Name

3967.3 miles for this trip. I left on a Saturday, around 5:30 am, to make church in Post Falls, Idaho. I didn’t know what to expect from church, but I knew what to expect from my cousin, Gayle, and her husband, Paul…nothing but love. Come to find out, NorthWest Summit...

Speed Dancing on Broken Legs…

Speed Dancing on Broken Legs…

As 2016 comes to a close, I find myself reflective. My mind wanders back to meeting a 16 year old young man from Arizona, years ago. He was cautious, witty and a bit of a smart ass…and we became classmates, me, the teacher, and him, the student. But in reality, our...

A Place at the Table…

A Place at the Table…

This is an invitation to join me in creating a place…a place at the table. It’s six a.m. and you’re walking into your local coffee shop to meet a friend. You stand in line, waiting your turn, eyeing the available table space. A Jack Johnson tune plays in the...

2015 Reflections…

2015 Reflections…

Changes in the making… It’s been a year of change and with that, a year of deep and irretrievable growth. A year ago I was wondering how God would provide after the unemployment ran out. The government had sent me a letter that shared their view, that with 30 years of...

Razing the yard…Raising a smile.

Razing the yard…Raising a smile.

I have a mentor that lives half the year near Phoenix, Arizona and half the year in Seaside, on the Oregon coast. He invited me to coffee 10 or 11 years ago and I went along, just to humor him ( and hear some cool biker stories cause he rides a Harley ). Kevin and Al...

The Music And The Mystery…8/15

The Music And The Mystery…8/15

Looking back and remembering… A lot can happen in four or five months. A thousand highs and lows can melt into a single line of print and nobody, including yourself, is the wiser. These last few months have been exceptionally intriguing, mostly due to my own lack of...

Staring Into The Abyss…

Staring Into The Abyss…

Welcome to the edge. It’s my edge…not yours. You can pace it’s rim with me if you like, but it will always be mine. I can’t own your edge and you can’t own mine. And don’t look down, into the deep. Fear will eddy and roil about in the emptiness and stutter your step,...

About Kevin

After decades of connecting with youth, helping them develop their passions and teaching them lessons that produce Godly character, what’s next?

Contact Me